Tuesday, December 21, 2010

christmas cooking...

hmmm. Not such a good idea for crazy neat freak me, asking the boys to help make a whole lotta chrissy delights today for all Chadd's new work people who are coming here on Thursday for their Christmas function. Yep, I'm crazy.

So, off we hopped to the local Coles supermarket. Stepping outside for the first time today, I noticed it actually wasnt that hot...maybe 32 degrees?? Doh! That means i have no excuse to not hang out the washing!

Anyways, we spent about $70 just getting the ingredients. As I'm paying, I'm looking at the pre-made rumballs, and the nice little packages of festive chocolates, and I cannot quite figure out why I am not just buying them already.

Sucker for punishment.

All said and done though, the kids loved it. Sash made Christmas Balls which entailed coconut going EVERYWHERE; Jaspa made little homemade peppermint chocolates; I did the rum balls and we are going to tackle the best brownies ever in the history of the world...mmmmm

Oh, and the previously mentioned work party entails all the people in Chadd's team up here, plus their wives and their kids. Oh, and I have met two of them. Fun stuff.

At least I get to decorate for the day. You all know how much I love that part :-)

Monday, December 20, 2010

lazy sunday arvo

Cannot recommend the pumphouse restraunt enough.

We went there yesterday about 4pm for a few beers and a couple of pizza's. The pizza's were cooked as you watch (definetly not a job i would want to do up here, those pizza ovens are damn hot!). We had the seafood pizza, it was divine! We also shared a kilo of prawns. Now, I'm no seafood master, but these may be just the best prawns I have ever tasted.

They were all washed down with a few vodkas (for me) and cold beers (for chaddy). I had bought some mouldy bread (another perk of living up here) with us and the kids fed the hundreds of catfish swimming around underneath us. Needless to say, they loved it.

The setting could not be more magical; and as we sat there watching the sun set between a Kymberley thunderstorm, I said to Chadd, "You know what? I may actually come to love this place".

May be just a little slice of heaven....

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Our Home

Basic and Beige...I have other plans though.....

the boys

The boys are adapting quite well to life up here. For the first week all they wanted to do was watch movies and play video games...the heat is something that definetly takes getting used to.

They love the afternoon rainfall though, and really look forward to getting out there and playing in whatever mud they can find.

Sascha finds it especially fun. So fun, in fact, that he had a little happy dance he likes to perform...

Don't you just love it?!

Lake Argyle

Yesterday we went to see the big man-made lake that is Lake Argyle.
We flew over it coming in to Kununurra two weeks ago; but seeing it on land is even more breathtaking. We only saw the smallest part of it but it is still magnificent.

moving and moved

We have decided once again, to pack up all our belongings, put them in a truck, and have a new experience in a new town in W.A.

The place we have ended up in is Kununurra.

I have decided to make a blog about our experiences here, to nurture any inspiration I find and to share with famiy and friends.

My goal this coming year is to learn photography (either self-taught or by study); to make a budding business in sewing baby and kids stuff; and to put even more work in to making this house a home through handmade and designer touches.

Here goes..... :-)